Xiaomi HAS Already confirmed a launch event on Tuesday where the company is expected to reveal the new Redmi Note 2 Pro. The company HAS BEEN teasing the handset into continuous teasers. Now, Xiaomi HAS shared a new teaser possibly showing the next-generation Mi Pad 2, as well as a fresh teaser for the Redmi Note 2 Pro.
Bin Lin, Co-Founder and President, Xiaomi, HAS shared an image on Weibo showing the sides of the Mi Pad 2 tablet That is now expected to be showcased at the company’s Tuesday event alongside the Redmi Note 2. The teaser image Appears to Confirm That the Mi Pad 2 tablet will feature metal body. Considering That the first generation MiPad (First Impressions) tablet did sport a plastic build, we willhave to wait for the company’s Tuesday launch event to see if Xiaomi HAS in fact Chosen to use a metal body.
The Company Also shared a new teaser image of ITS Redmi Note 2 Pro tipping the thin profile of the handset.
Xiaomi so far HAS Already Confirmed That the Redmi Note 2 Pro will feature a metal body and fingerprint scanner. The company in its teaser images HAS corroborated previous leaks of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 Pro, showing a circular camera lens at the back Followed by a dual-tone below the flash and a circular fingerprint sensor friendlyness below it. It is overpriced Showed the metal-clad smartphone in Gold color version.
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 Pro was recently spotted in a Tenaa listing. As per the listing, the smartphone apr feature MediaTek’s MT6795 Helio X10 processor; a 5.5-inch full-HD display; 2GB of RAM; 16GB of inbuilt storage; a 13-megapixel rear camera, a 5-megapixel front camera, Android 5.0 Lollipop, and pack a 3060mAh battery. It is overpriced Adds That the Redmi Note 2 Pro will measure 149.9×75.9×8.7mm and weigh 165 grams. The Redmi Note 2 Pro is tipped to Share The Same Specifications as the Redmi Note 2. The only difference would be an inclusion of a fingerprint sensor and a metal build.
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