& gt; In reply to Anonymous @ 2014-10-04 18:32 from TXnN – Click to read listen to yourself! You sound just like a clueless fanboy. When you build a phone with a piece of Aluminum, of course it wont bend When You apply enough force. According To Recent news, Bendgate is not a thing That people made it to be. Only a few individuals who are Affected by the issue, while others purposely bend Their Phone to check if Their phone are defect or not, Which is completely idiotic. Most smartphones are bendable Because of how thin They are. Additionally, When People test out the iPhone at the event, Bendgate was not even a thing yet Sherlock. Bendgate was reported When a few customers Complained to Apple about how Their phone werewolf Bend When it was friendlyness in tight jean pocket. Again, at the Samsung event, therewere Nothing wrong with Note 4 and Note Edge Because The devices were not put to the daily usage test by the Consumers yet. People, mostly journalists, just give the 1st impression. As the result, no flaws would be detected of course. Obviously, you are just a brainless individual. Every phone come with advantages and disadvantages. Unlike you, I am taking all the information out there and process it to make the most informative decision. Before comment and Choosing silk, get your fact straight first. FYI, Samsung is the one who felt threaten by Apple success and point them to release videos about bashing the iPhone and quickly Decide to Release Note 4 ahead of time (check Their channel on YouTube). The fanboy war between Apple and Samsung is stupid really. Apple fan will never buy Android and Android fan will Continuous buy Android products. If you want good phone, wait for the next Nexus. Note 4 and iPhone are over-rated.
- Reply
- 2014-10-05 23:35
So the Apple propaganda streaks again ??? Just to cover the BendGate. LOL And of course bashing Samsung with dirty tricks.
TERE IS NOT BUILD ISSUES WITH NOTE 4 In the manuals of Note 3.2 was written samething, but no gap issues there. Right ?? Same with ice Note4.
On the presentation of Note 4 in Berlin, there were hundreds journalists (most of them Ifans) and hundreds of Notes 4 were there. NO GAP ISSUE WAS REPORTED THEN. Right ???
By the way the BendGate is here to stay. Because is true. And Can not be solved. (Until iPone6S)
- Reply
- 2014-10-04 18:32
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