Sprint has just released the Android 4.4 KitKat update to its Samsung Galaxy Note 2 users. Users can either choose to update via the OTA or manually. Similarly, the Android 4.4.2 KitKat update for Samsung Galaxy S3 has also started rolling out. US subscribers can now update to the latest KitKat. The release of the firmware depends on the carrier and region. Some subscribers may receive the update sooner than others.
According to Android Geeks, Android 4.4.2 KitKat has started rolling out to Samsung Galaxy S3 US cellular variant. While the carrier has not released an official announcement about the firmware, Android Geeks reported that there have been Samsung Galaxy S3 users who reported about getting the firmware notification.
Users can check their devices for firmware updates if they have not received any news. Similar to other Android updates, the roll out is most likely carried out in stages. Some users may have already received the notification while others have yet to receive it. Soon as the update is available, people can get the OTA of the OS. There should be a system update message prompting the user to proceed with installation.