Monday, November 3, 2014

Still rocking a Galaxy Note II? The DN4 ROM Will Give You All The Features of … – Android Headlines – Android News

Ah Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Logo 2.3

One of the Reasons That we all love Android so much Is that it’s pretty versatile. Sure, we’ll have to wait for updates (unless you’re a member of Club Nexus, of course) every now and then, but Android is far more flexible than iOS or Windows Phone, and We Can Essentially do whatever we want with our devices . If you’re someone That likes to take things as far as You Can through rooting, unlocking That bootloader and such, then there’s a lot you can do with an older device. Speaking of Which, Samsung’s Galaxy Note II is two years old this fall, and while the device is still a pretty Competent machine, it pales in comparison to the Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Note 4 thathave Launched since.

If you’re an adventurous fellow, You can go ahead and get all of the Galaxy Note 4 features on your humble Galaxy Note II. The Ditto Note 4 ROM, also known simply as the DN4 ROM, from the Electron-team HAS all of the features from the Galaxy Note 4 just waiting for your Note II. It has all of the new apps That are from the Galaxy Note 4 and It also features Air Command, SmartSelect, the new Note 4 Multi-Window, Side Key Panel and more. If you take a look at the source link below, the list really is quite massive.

This is a pretty big deal For Those That are still using a Galaxy Note II as it brings all the new software features That are found in the Galaxy Note 4, without having to spend any more money on an upgrade or anything like that. Of course, the hardware is not going to give you anything like the full experience of the Galaxy Note 4, but if you’re using a Note II to save for a Note 4 or just as backup Because something else went wrong, then the DN4 ROM is a great way of breathing new life into your old device. It’s based on an Android 4.4.2 ROM from the Korean Galaxy SIII and all the Note 4 features havebeen ported Directly from the latest Note. Take a look at the source link and if you’re still using a Note II Let us know how it worked out for you.

Tom Dawson Managing Editor

For years now I’ve had a heavy interest in technology, I Grew up with 8-bit computers and gaming consoles and havebeen using Linux for years now. Android saved me from the boredom of iOS years ago and I’ve loved every minute of it. As a big reader and writer nothing pleases me more than to write about the exciting world of Android and technology as a whole.

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