Sunday, July 31, 2016

小米 Note 2 / 手表 发布 时间 曝光! 配置 残暴 – 驱动 之 家

此前,分析师潘九堂曾透露,小米将于8月份召开发布会,正式发布小米Note Second

而随着小米在7月底召开红米Pro发布会,有不少网友都认为小米应该不会间隔太短时间就再次发布会新品,所以小米Note 2 的 发布 时间 可能 会 延迟.

小米 Note 2 /  手表 发布 时间 曝光! 配置 残暴
 小米 Note

不过,分析师潘九堂依然坚持自己的观点,他认为按照生产计划,小米Note 2 在 8 月份 发布 应该 是 靠谱 的.

关于 小米 Note 2,之前曾有说法称它会首发骁龙821处理器,而且不止一个版本,包括曲面屏、普通屏等等,并有望标配4/6GB内存。


小米 Note 2  / 手表 发布 时间 曝光! 配置 残暴

文章 纠错


阅读 更多: 小米 智能 手表 小米 Note 2


Friday, July 29, 2016

小米 Note 2 / 手表 发布 时间 曝光! 配置 残暴 – 驱动 之 家

此前,分析师潘九堂曾透露,小米将于8月份召开发布会,正式发布小米Note Second

而随着小米在7月底召开红米Pro发布会,有不少网友都认为小米应该不会间隔太短时间就再次发布会新品,所以小米Note 2 的 发布 时间 可能 会 延迟.

小米 Note 2 /  手表 发布 时间 曝光! 配置 残暴
 小米 Note

不过,分析师潘九堂依然坚持自己的观点,他认为按照生产计划,小米Note 2 在 8 月份 发布 应该 是 靠谱 的.

关于 小米 Note 2,之前曾有说法称它会首发骁龙821处理器,而且不止一个版本,包括曲面屏、普通屏等等,并有望标配4/6GB内存。


小米 Note 2  / 手表 发布 时间 曝光! 配置 残暴

文章 纠错


阅读 更多: 小米 智能 手表 小米 Note 2


#TBT: When We reviewed the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 – Droid Life (press release) (blog)



This time next week, Samsung willhave Announced the Galaxy Note 7. Before That happens, though, let’s take a step back in time to late 2012. Nearly four years ago , we reviewed the Galaxy Note 2 , and at that time, the Galaxy Note 2 was one of my favorite Android devices. I was getting pretty big into mobile gaming, and thanks to the 5.5 “HD AMOLED display, my gaming was on point. Keep in mind, though, not everyone shared my love of the bigger displays, Kellen included.

When reviewing the device, it appeared That Kellen’s biggest gripe was the overall size. Yes, the phone was large, but there was good reason for That size. While the display was big at 5.5 “(that was Considered very large back in the day), it is overpriced came with a very big 3,100mAh battery. That was really big relative to what other smartphones were offering.

Anyway, to wrap up Kellen’s thoughts, he said he Could not wait to get back to his smaller Galaxy S3, but could understand why so many excellant fall in love with the Galaxy Note second

Below, I have added in his extra long hardware / software overview. If you have the time, it’s worth a look, at least to see how far Samsung has come in terms of software and hardware design. Actually, now that I think about it, Their software has not come That father at all, but the hardware is much better.


Thursday, July 28, 2016

#TBT: When We reviewed the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 – Droid Life (press release) (blog)



This time next week, Samsung willhave Announced the Galaxy Note 7. Before That happens, though, let’s take a step back in time to late 2012. Nearly four years ago , we reviewed the Galaxy Note 2 , and at that time, the Galaxy Note 2 was one of my favorite Android devices. I was getting pretty big into mobile gaming, and thanks to the 5.5 “HD AMOLED display, my gaming was on point. Keep in mind, though, not everyone shared my love of the bigger displays, Kellen included.

When reviewing the device, it appeared That Kellen’s biggest gripe was the overall size. Yes, the phone was large, but there was good reason for That size. While the display was big at 5.5 “(that was Considered very large back in the day), it is overpriced came with a very big 3,100mAh battery. That was really big relative to what other smartphones were offering.

Anyway, to wrap up Kellen’s thoughts, he said he Could not wait to get back to his smaller Galaxy S3, but could understand why so many excellant fall in love with the Galaxy Note second

Below, I have added in his extra long hardware / software overview. If you have the time, it’s worth a look, at least to see how far Samsung has come in terms of software and hardware design. Actually, now that I think about it, Their software has not come That father at all, but the hardware is much better.


Xiaomi Mi and Mi 5s Note 2 Coming Mid-August: To Persist with Premium price … – Daily Press Insider


As per analyst reports, Xiaomi Mi and Mi 5s Note 2 might be heading towards an official launch. Both These gadgets will be officially Announced by the 2 nd week of August- much before the 2016 iPhone takes shape. Moreover, bothering These smartphones will persist with the higher price points- as seen on the redmi Pro.

Xiaomi Mi 5s

The Newly Launched redmi Pro comes with an expensive price point Which ice Certainly a different move by Xiaomi, as Compared to all the previous versions of this series. This handset is priced at $ 224 for the base version and goes up to $ 299 for the premium version. However, the improved price point was definitely on the cards with this handset flaunting an OLED display and the dual rear camera setup.

The forthcoming Xiaomi Mi 5s willalso come with dual-shooters at the back in addition to a glass-clad design. We are expecting something like an ultrasonic fingerprint scanner with this smartphone Which Will be something new Offered by Xiaomi. The best part will be the introduction of the ‘Advanced Pressure Sensitive’ display in line with the likes of Huawei and Apple.

This handset throws in the likes of the ‘Advanced Pressure Display’ Followed by a 2K panel. The existence of a curved panel is overpriced hinted towards.

As per the existing spec sheet, 5s Mi and Mi Note 2 are expected to breach the 400-dollar mark with ease. While this might come as a shock to most of the Xiaomi loyalists who were basking in the low price points, the company is finally moving towards the likes of the flagship gadget. Moreover, bothering These upcoming handsets are surely loaded with innovative attributes and are expected to compete with the branded flag ships going around.

Photo Credits: Gizmo China

Suggested the read Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air Review : Should You Buy this Laptop?



Wednesday, July 27, 2016

红 米 卖 in 1999! 小米 5S / Note 2 曝光: 要 涨价 – 驱动 之 家


如今 小弟 都 冲上 来 了, 老大哥 该 怎么 办? 自然 是 向 更高 的 层次 迈进.


红 米 卖  1999! 小米 5S / Note 2 曝光: 要 涨价

行业分析师潘九堂也指出:"红米往上打,小米也会往上打的,所以8/9月出来的小米Note 2 和 小米 5S 估计 售价 也会 往上 走.

看 这 意思, 小米 5 的 升级 版 小米 5S, 以及 新 的 高端 大 屏 手机 小米 Note 2, 都会 在最近 两个月 发布, 身价 都会 更高.

值得一提的是,小米Note目前已经从小米官网上撤掉了入口,通过链接进入产品页面显示已售罄,看起来小米Note 2 应该 会 先 来到 我们 身边, 毕竟 小米 5 的 寿命 也 不算 多 长.

你 觉得 小米 5, 小米 Note 2 会 涨到 什么 价格? 2999?

红 米 卖 1999!  小米 5S / Note 2 曝光: 要 涨价

文章 纠错


阅读 更多: 小米 小米 5S 小米 Note 2 红 米 Pro


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Android Mi Note 2 Dirilis bump Depan? – – Mi Note 2, smartphone Android berlayar besar bikinan Xiaomi, dikabarkan Bakal dirilis pada Agustus mendatang. Informasi tersebut datang Dari seorang analis ternama BERNAMA Pan Jiutang.

Sebelumnya, Mi Note 2 dikabarkan Bakal dirilis pada July 27 mendatang Dalam sebuah Acara di China. Lebih Lanjut, diketahui bahwa Xiaomi tidak akan merilis perangkat tersebut di tanggal tersebut, melainkan sebuah smartphone lain BERNAMA redmi Pro.

Pan Jiutang mengabarkan Informasi tersebut melalui Akun Weibo miliknya. Dia membeberkan, Salah satu ponsel yang sudah ditunggu-tunggu address Baru akan dirilis pada Awal Agustus mendatang.

ANALIS ini sendiri terkenal selalu memberikan Informasi yang akurat Soal perangkat Yang Belum Resmi diluncurkan oleh vendor.

“Mi Note generasi kedua dipastikan akan Rilis mulai Agustus nanti,” tulisnya menjawab pertanyaan Dari seseorang, seperti dilansir KompasTekno Dari GSM Arena , Selasa (26 /7/2016).

Bocoran yang disebutkan Jiutang Senada dengan Kishi-Kishi dari co-founder Xiaomi Liwan Jiang. Dia mengatakan bahwa mereka akan merilis sebuah production mutakhir pada Agustus mendatang.

Berdasarkan sebuah bocoran Informasi, Mi Note 2 dapat dikatakan memiliki spesifikasi kelas atas. “Otak” pemrosesannya saja menggunakan Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 dengan yang dikombinasikan 6 GB of RAM.

selain deal, perangkat dikatakan ini akan dibekali layar berukuran 5.7 inci dengan resolusi qHD dan memiliki term variance, yaitu Memori internal 32GB (4GB RAM), Memori internal 64 GB (6 GB of RAM), dan Memori internal 128 GB (6 GB of RAM).


Monday, July 25, 2016

Android смартфон Xiaomi Mi Note 2 дебютирует в августе … –

Помимо Xiaomi redmi Pro, который дебютирует в Пекине 27 июля на специальном мероприятии, китайская компания Xiaomi готовит к выходу ещё один новый смартфон. Речь идёт о Xiaomi Mi Note 2, который, по сведениям китайского аналитика Паня Цзютана (Pan Jiutang), дебютирует в следующем месяце, хотя ранее ожидалось, что он выйдет в июле.

Как пишет GSMArena, Пань Цзютан сообщил, что официальный анонс нового смартфона Xiaomi Mi Note 2 состоится в августе. Кстати, ранее соучредитель Xiaomi Ливань Цзян (Liwan Jiang) заявил, что новый высокотехнологичный продукт компании будет запущен в августе.

По последним данным, Xiaomi Mi Note 2 будет базироваться на новейшем процессоре Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 и получит 5.5 дюймовый AMOLED экран с разрешением 1920х1080 пикселей, 12 мегапиксельную основную камеру, сканер отпечатков пальцев и аккумуляторную батарею ёмкостью 3700 мАч. Он будет представлен в двух версиях, одна из которых получит 4 ГБ оперативной и 64 ГБ встроенной памяти, а другая – 6 ГБ оперативной и 128 ГБ встроенной памяти.


شیائومی Mi Note 2 احتمالا ماه آینده معرفی میشود – Digikala Mag (press release) (registration) (blog)

در حالی که آخرین شایعات از معرفی رسمی شیائومی Mi Note 2 در ماه جاری میلادی (یعنی حداکثر تا یک هفتهی آینده) خبر میدادند, خبر جدید این است که این اتفاق احتمالا چند هفتهای دیرتر از آنچه انتظارش را داشتیم, رخ میدهد.

یکی از موسسان این شرکت گفته در ماه آگوست (اواسط مرداد تا اواسط شهریور) برنامهی معرفی چند محصول ردهبالا را دارند که احتمالا یکی از آنها شیائومی Mi Note 2 است.

این خبر را Pan Jiutang, تحلیلگر رسانهای چینی در شبکههای اجتماعی به اطلاع هواداران شیائومی رسانده است. از آنجا که یکی از موسسان این شرکت گفته در ماه آگوست (اواسط مرداد تا اواسط شهریور) برنامهی معرفی چند محصول ردهبالا را دارند, Pan Jiutang پیشبینی کرده یکی از این محصولات حتما شیائومی Mi Note 2 خواهد بود.

درمورد مشخصات Mi Note 2 گفته میشود این دستگاه با تراشهی اسنپدراگون 821 کار میکند و نمایشگری 5.5 اینچی دارد. این نمایشگر AMOLED با دقت تصویر 1080p است. رم گوشی پرچمدار شیائومی در دو گزینهی 4 گیگابایتی و 6 گیگابایتی به مشتریان عرضه میشود و حافظهداخلی هم بهتناسب گزینههای 64 و 128 گیگابایتی دارد.

همچنین شیائومی Mi Note 2 دوربین پشت 12 مگاپیکیسلی دارد و با باتری 3700 میلیآمپری شارژ میشود. وجود حسگر اثر انگشت هم در قسمت جلوی این گوشی تایید شده است.

این سوال که آیا این گوشی هوشمند تنها در چین عرضه میشود یا مشتریان دیگر از سراسر دنیا هم میتوانند آن را تهیه کنند یا خیر, هنور جوابی ندارد و به همین ترتیب در مورد قیمت آن هم چیزی گفته نشده است.

منبع: GSM Arena

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Xiaomi Mi Note 2: Konzeptvideo zeigt mögliches Design – CURVED

Top-Smartphone mit edlem Design und Dual Camera: Die Designer von Techconfigurations haben ein Konzeptvideo jump Xiaomi Mi Note 2 erstellt und auf YouTube veröffentlicht. Als Grundlage für die 3D Renderings gradient aktuelle Gerüchte und Leaks zu dem High-End-Gerät aus China.

The Vorstellungen der Designer zufolge wird das Mi Note 2 ein Gehäuse aus gebürstetem Metal erhalten, das entfernt an die ersten Smartphones von OnePlus erinnert. Insgesamt wirkt der Nachfolger des Mi Note relative klobig – Eindruck ein, der durch the eckigen Home Button noch verstärkt wirkt. Interessant ist, dass die Linsen der Dual Camera them Konzept von Techconfigurations übereinander angeordnet sind. Das iPhone 7 Plus wird demgegenüber voraussichtlich eine Dual Camera mit nebeneinanderliegenden lens besitzen.

Parallel Liess der Analyst Pan Jiutang verlauten, dass you einen Markt Start des Xiaomi Mi Note 2 im kommenden Monat für wahrscheinlich content berichtet GSMArena. Nachdem es zunächst geheißen hatte, dass der Release noch für July geplant sei, hatte Xiaomis Mitbegründer Liwan Jiang erst unlängst durchscheinen lassen, dass im August zwei High-End Smartphones erscheinen sollen. Neben them Nachfolger des Mi Note handelt es sich bei them nd Gerät voraussichtlich um das redmi Pro.

Gerüchten zufolge soll das Mi Note 2 über ein 5.7-Zoll-Display mit QHD-Auflösung verfügen – als erstes Gerät des Unternehmens. Als Herzstück ist der im Gespräch Snapdragon 820, der auf einen großen 4GB Arbeitsspeicher zugreifen könnte. Die Front camera soll für 12-MP-Selfies geeignet sein. Das neue Note-Smartphone könnte Xiaomis bis date teuerstes Gerät werden – Einführungspreis soll der bei etwa 600 Dollar liegen. Sollten die Gerüchte zum Release Date shoals, wissen wir schon bald mehr über das Top-Smartphone.


Xiaomi Note 2 will launch next month in August, of according to Analysts – The Tech News

  Xiaomi Note 2 will launch next month in August, of according to Analysts

As this month is edging towards its end, for now it Seems That Xiaomi ice in silence fashion about its Note 2 Which had rumors EARLIER in this month in China That it would officially launch at the end of this month in July, but now the latest news has appeared from a popular analyst called Pan Jiutang That Xiaomi’s Note 2 will be revealed sometime in August next month.

Analyst Pan Jiutang’s reference Could be true Because Xiaomi co-founder Liwan Jiang – Jiang Essentially saidthat some top of the line items would be released in the month of August, the Therefore, it is highly expected That Most probably, Xiaomi would reveal its Note 2, but it wont be a mystery Until The final announcement comes in August.


As far as the Note 2′s specs are Concerned, Most Recent gossipy tidbits say That the gadget is operated by a Snapdragon 821 chipset, and has a 5.5-inch 1080p AMOLED touchscreen. RAM choices include 4GB and 6GB, with 64GB and 128GB of internal memory, individually.

However, Regarding the camera, the handset highlights a 12MP back unit. An Extensive 3,700mAh battery is there to keep the lights on. Additionally there’s a fingerprint sensor on the front.

So, if you want something new from this Chinese tech giant then you need to wait for just a few more days.


Sunday, July 24, 2016

再次 证实 分析师 称 小米 Note 2 下月 发布 – 手机 中国

【手机 中国新闻】此前小米联合创始人黎万强透露,8月份会发布全新中高端产品,外界猜测这款高端产品可能是传闻已久的小米Note 2, 现在 行业 分析师 @ 潘九堂 在 最新 微 博 上 证实 了 这 一点.

小米 Note 2 证实 8 月 发布

近日 有 网友 爆料 小米 7 月 27 日 发布 的 红 米 Pro 将 搭载 双 摄像 头, 采用 联 发 科Helio X20处理器,配备AMOLED屏以及全金属机身,售价或高达1299元/1399元。小米竭力打造红米爆品,这让网友感到小米Note 2发布的可能性渺茫,并询问是否还值得等待。潘九堂告诉这位网友,小米Note二代8月肯定会开始发布了。他还表示,小米Note一代除了怕摔其他都还不错,这也暗示续作小米Note 2 值得 期待.

配置 方面, 传闻 小米 Note 2 将 采用 5.5 英寸 1080P AMOLED屏,搭载新一代骁龙821处理器,内置4GB/6GB大运存,有64GB和128GB存储可选。该机还将后置1200万像素摄像头,配备更大3700mAh容量电池,并前置指纹识别功能。

最后, 小编 问 一下, 小米 Note 发布 已有 一年 半 了, 还有 人 对 小米 Note 2 期待 吗, 大家 觉得 它 的 售价 应该 是 多少?


Xiaomi Note 2 release date: phablet launch delayed until next month? – Christian Today

Reuters / Jason Lee

People stand near a logo of Xiaomi ahead of the launching ceremony of Xiaomi Phone 4, in Beijing, July 22, 2014.

It looks like the Xiaomi Note 2 will be here later than expected. Initially believed to arrive this week, a new report now Claims the device was delayed to August.

Renowned analyst Pan Jiutang ice Claiming That The phablet will not be released until next month. This Is Also What Xiaomi co-founder Liwan Jiang said Regarding the launch date for its high-end offerings.

Not too long ago, he saidthat premium Xiaomi releases will all be unveiled in August. Such can be true with the Xiaomi Note 2, Which is deemed as one of the China-based tech company’s top-tier products.

The rumored specs of the Xiaomi Note 2 imply That it is a high-end device with the newly-released Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 processor under its hood and a whopping 6GB of RAM backing this powerful new chip up.

this Amount of RAM will come with either 64GB or 128GB of storage. But Xiaomi Note 2 will also have a model for Those Who do not want to go That big as it is expected to come with a 32GB version with 4GB of RAM in tow.

Apart from Xiaomi Note 2, The company is overpriced rumored to put out a Xiaomi Note 2 Pro version along with it. Most of the specs will ask the Sami.

The Xiaomi Note 2 Pro is reportedly sporting a 5.5-inch full HD AMOLED display. A Snapdragon 821 chipset is expected to run the whole show.

However, there will only be two variants for this version. One comes with 4GB of RAM and 64GB storage. The other one is bigger at 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage space.

On the imaging side, the Xiaomi Note 2 Pro will purportedly boast a 12MP rear-facing camera with f / 2.0 aperture and four-axis optical Image stabilization or OIS.

A fingerprint scanner Should be presented as well with a massive 3,700mAh battery to keep the lights on. Samma camera combos and features Could be expected in the Xiaomi Note second


再次 证实 分析师 称 小米 Note 2 下月 发布 – 环球 网

此前小米联合创始人黎万强透露,8月份会发布全新中高端产品,外界猜测这款高端产品可能是传闻已久的小米Note 2, 现在 行业 分析师 @ 潘九堂 在 最新 微 博 上 证实 了 这 一点.

小米 Note 2 证实 8 月 发布

近日有网友爆料小米7月27日发布的红米Pro将搭载双摄像头,采用联发科Helio X20处理器,配备AMOLED屏以及全金属机身,售价或高达1299元/1399元。小米竭力打造红米爆品,这让网友感到小米Note 2发布的可能性渺茫,并询问是否还值得等待。潘九堂告诉这位网友,小米Note二代8月肯定会开始发布了。他还表示,小米Note一代除了怕摔其他都还不错,这也暗示续作小米Note 2 值得 期待.

配置 方面, 传闻 小米 Note 2 将 采用 5.5 英寸 1080P AMOLED屏,搭载新一代骁龙821处理器,内置4GB/6GB大运存,有64GB和128GB存储可选。该机还将后置1200万像素摄像头,配备更大3700mAh容量电池,并前置指纹识别功能。

最后, 小编 问 一下, 小米 Note 发布 已有 一年 半 了, 还有 人 对 小米 Note 2 期待 吗, 大家 觉得 它 的 售价 应该 是 多少?

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Xiaomi Mi Note 2 to launch in August, might feature a Curved Display – Phone Radar

As Announced EARLIER, Xiaomi will be launching five new smartphones in the second half of 2016. The teased redmi Pro will be the first device in the list thatwill be made official on July 27th. It will be first Xiaomi smartphone to feature AMOLED display and dual camera setup on the rear. The redmi Pro willalso most expensive smartphone in the redmi series.

We are overpriced hearing rumors about the successor to the Mi Note that was Launched in 2015. Now the latest reports suggest Mi Note 2 to launch next month in China. Unlike EARLIER, we can expect Xiaomi to sacrifice premium build quality and high-end specifications alongwith higher price tag. The device is rumored to feature curved display as on the Samsung Galaxy Edge devices.

It might be powered by the Recently Announced Snapdragon 821 quad-core SoC clocked at 2.4GHz, the Asus Zenfone 3 Deluxe is the first smartphone to include this SoC. This new processor is just an upgraded version of the Snapdragon 820 SoC, Which Qualcomm Claims to sacrifice 10% better performance. Since the Reminder Pro comes with AMOLED display, the Mi Note 2 might also sacrifice the Sami.

The 3D touch feature that was Already available on a number of Android devices including the Meizu Pro 6 and Huawei Mate S is expected to feature on this device. While its current flagship Mi 5 came with a curved glossy body, the Mi Note 2 might be built completely with metal. The device may come in two variants with 4GB and 6GB of RAM and storage apr reach upto 128GB.

The redmi Pro comes with a 5.5-inch Full HD AMOEDL display and will be powered by Helio X25 / X20 deca core processor. It comes with 4GB of RAM and will be available in different storage variants. It has a 13MP dual lens camera and a 5MP front camera on the front for selfies. The leaked images confirmed an all metal body with a physical home button on the front.

By Teja Chedalla on Saturday 23rd of July 2016



Friday, July 22, 2016

Analyst says Xiaomi Note 2 coming in August –

While rumors have EARLIER Suggested That the Xiaomi Note 2 will be made official this month, it is now being saidthat the unveiling will happen sometime next month. The latest piece of information comes from popular analyst Pan Jiutang.

This is inline with the August time frame Already revealed by Xiaomi co-founder Liwan Jiang – Jiang Basically saidthat some high-end products will be Launched in the month of August.

As for the Note 2′s specs, latest rumors say the device is powered by Snapdragon 821 chipset, and sports a 5.5-inch 1080p AMOLED touchscreen. RAM options include 4GB and 6GB, with 64GB and 128GB of internal memory, respectively.

In terms of camera, the handset features a 12MP rear unit. A large 3,700mAh battery is there to keep the lights on. There’s Also a fingerprint sensor on the front.

